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The Ring Gauge

  • This easy to use plastic Ring Gauge / Sizer measures your finger : Sizes 1 through 13, with half sizes.


    It is a great tool for measuring your ring size, however we always recommend visiting your local jewellery store to determine more accurately your ring measurment.


    Remember, custom designed pieces often cannot be altered once completed without destroying the integrity of the ring. Get your size right!

H O W    Y O U R    C U S TO M   O R D E R   I S   M A D E

Every single item is made to order. No item is kept in stock, because quite simply, every item is unique.


While we incorporate many technologies in creating your piece, metallurgy and jewellery making involves the jeweller, and science. Every diamond and gemstone, whether lab created, or naturally occurring is different. The specifications are different. Even the Setting, while made using 3D renders and wax models, still is finished hand polished by jewellers.

S T A Y   U P D A T E D   #qiratjewellery  #nomadjeweller #minimalistjewellery #pragmaticjeweller

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